A Short Update

A friend of mine, Matt Rogers, released his first book about a month ago. It’s called Isolated and is the first in a series. If you like thrillers with a dollop of bravado and generous splash of blood, you should check it out. I quite enjoyed it šŸ™‚ You can check it out or grab a copy here.

In other news: 

The sequel to Light’s Shadow has been delayed into early next year because I’ve been slack in doing my final pass over the text and getting the cover illustration organised. Also I will be busy over summer seeing the world. Apologies. The wait will be worth it.

Also this happened.

And unfortunately this as well.

Which certainly puts some of the ideas explored in Swann in a creepily realistic light. Let’s redouble our efforts to educate young men (read: all men) to respect women. A woman’s body is her own and no matter what she does with it, it never gives men the right mistreat or exploit her. Let us hope that lessons have been learned rather than horrific methodologies refined.

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