New Book

In the coming weeks I plan to release a second novel. It’s very different to Light’s Shadow. It is not part two of The Divining Mind trilogy. In fact, it is completely, utterly, unrelated. And that is basically why it exists.

There will only be a digital release as we (philharmonicorca) are not really flush enough to swing the money to get this one in physical print – especially because we’ve committed to the trilogy in terms of print (and Book Two is somewhat longer and more involved than Book One was). So the plan is to put this out in Kindle format. If there is great demand for an EPUB version I will look into reformatting for that and get it together as soon as possible.

Additionally, this will be the first book that we’ve put together entirely in house. Formatting, cover design, editing, etc. are all ours. This is a bit of a test before we set to the more daunting task of getting Book Two ready for later in the year.

Hopefully, I’ll have a cover to share with you next week, but for now you will have to make do with the blurb.


Reuben doesn’t really know Evelyn. She’s a bit of a mystery. You know the kind. Teacher’s daughter – protected species. But when he interrupts her cathartic destruction of the school gym, and subsequently gets blamed for her actions, he feels compelled to discover what has upset her. What he finds is that there is never only one answer to even the most basic questions. 

‘Swann’ is a short novel intended for older teens and curious adults. It is one part a coming-of-age story, and one part a commentary on the fine division between teen hardships and adult concerns. It takes the reader inside the head of Reuben Connor over a tumultuous week as he attempts to sort truth from fiction while trying to maintain his moral integrity.

More details to come.

1 Comment New Book

  1. Anne-Maree February 21, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    I think the blurb is great. Must go and reread again!

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