I read because…

I read because books take me places that I can’t physically go and they show me things that might never even exist.

I read because I like meeting new people especially when I don’t have to think about what to say next. I like learning about their lives and their families and their vices – fearing for them and dreading whatever silly mess they’ve wound up in.

I read because it’s like putting on boots and taking an excursion into someone else’s mind and being reminded that people are weird and fascinating and endearing – so much so that sometimes you just want to hug them, or punch them, or run your fingers through their hair and tell them it’ll be alright.

I read because I like to be surprised by ideas and challenged by things that I could never think of.

I read because, as much as I like cinema, my imagination is better.

I read because it reminds me that we’re all kind of the same and we’re all kind of unique and that some people out there, who don’t even know me, know exactly how I feel – and sometimes, exactly how to make me smile.


So it’s book week next week and I thought it would be cool hear (read) about why you read. As such I’ve turned comments on for this post. Share your thoughts below – or don’t, but it would be far more exciting if you did.

2 Comments I read because…

  1. The ethnic philosopher August 26, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    I read because real life Is boring

  2. Naomi August 26, 2015 at 7:35 pm

    There is one distinction between reading and living. Life is more painful, difficult and time-consuming. You fail, make mistakes, learn, grow and sure you can create whoever you are and whatever you want to become. But, reading allows for this connected effect: in which you read a character as if they were you. You share opinions, you defend their wrongdoings, you feel as they do and above all you learn from them. Difference is it’s not your life, yet, you apply it anyway …. the conclusions they make, the choices they face and paths they choose to follow all add to our own stories and the way in which we choose to live them. Without books we would be deprived of wisdom, of guidance and the ability to draw from the most creative, entertaining and inspirational people. Fictional or not it’s all relative! I keep reading to experience new worlds, discover unimagined ideas and most of all to develop myself.

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